Reviews, Support

Why We All Need Each Other

Someone once said something about me that I’ll never forget.

My friend and I were having a conversation about people who were emotionally fragile. Not sure about who she was referring to, I asked her if she meant me.

Her reply: “No. I’m not talking about you. You’re strong as. If something bad happened to you, it wouldn’t even affect you.”

Her heart was in the right place; her intentions weren’t vile. But I had reason to disagree with her perspective.

Everyone, no matter how strong, no matter how independent; needs someone. We all need each other. And I believe this line of thinking can be applied to all aspects of society.

Take, for instance, the workplace. Although everyone has their own individual tasks, they are ultimately working TOGETHER, to contribute to the ‘team’. Without each of them, the company wouldn’t survive. They all need each other.

Relationships, whether personal or professional; need to be a two-way street. You can’t expect to receive without giving in return. You need to meet people half way.

That is why I now have a few relationships with PR companies. I happily write product reviews because it’s a win-win situation. I believe that you can’t move up in this world, without at first helping other people.

And all these thoughts came to me after I heard the doorbell ring a few days ago. I opened the door to find a large package sitting on the ground.

Inside were the Havaianas footwear that I’d been given to review. There were two kids gift sets; one pair of My Little Pony thongs and one pair of Transformers thongs, both complete with additional toys for the reviewer.

Havaianas Footwear

My daughter, Alexia, was grinning the whole time, happily posing for the camera in both pairs of thongs.

Havaianas My Little PonyHavaianas TransformersShe absolutely loved them; they were so pretty and comfortable. If you’d like to purchase a pair of Havaianas My Little Pony or Havaianas Transformers, they are available in Kid’s sizes through all major Havaianas Kids retailers and from Havaianas Australia online at $24.95 RRP.

As I looked back at my smiling daughter, I thought about how nice the PR lady had been to me during our whole time of communication.

That’s when I started thinking about how, at the end of the day, we all need each other. Everything we’ve achieved in life, up until this point; happened because someone out there helped us, believed in us, or supported us. We didn’t do everything on our own.

Being successful isn’t just about your attitude towards yourself. It’s about your attitude towards others. By strengthening your relationships with other people, you are acknowledging the contribution that EVERYONE makes. And realising that in the end, we all need each other.


Thuy Wood (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer, resume/cover letter writer and Youth Worker living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

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