Happiness, Parenting, Purpose, Success

Moderation is the Key

If you had asked me two months ago, “When was the last time you had a drink?”, my answer would have been 5 and a half years. I’d never cared too much for drinking alcohol; I rarely drank in excess. But during the past weekend, I let loose for the first time in a long… Read More Moderation is the Key

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Decisions, Determination, Happiness, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Success

Why We Need to Have Dreams and Goals

I spoke to a young man yesterday who inspired me, to say the least. He stood in front of a group of people, talking about his life plan for the next 6 months. It was a well-thought out plan, which demonstrated why dreams and goals are so important to our future. Photo Credit: graur razvan ionut… Read More Why We Need to Have Dreams and Goals

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Happiness, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Regret, Success

You’ll Never Know Until You Try

When I think back to my high school days, my memories probably fall outside the norm. For me, high school wasn’t about the friendships I made, or the transition from childhood into adulthood. Instead, it was about the life lessons I learned within those walls. When I was in my graduating year of high school,… Read More You’ll Never Know Until You Try

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Determination, Happiness, Inspiration, Purpose, Success

Why Success Requires Sacrifice

As I write this post, my household is dead silent. My three young children are asleep in bed and it’s almost midnight. Tomorrow will be another day that I balance being a stay at home mother, writer and entrepreneur. Although this is the busiest I have ever been, it’s also been the happiest. And I… Read More Why Success Requires Sacrifice

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.


How Learning Helps You Succeed in Life

Life is generally defined as one big “learning curve”. We make decisions based on what is right for us, we learn from others’ mistakes and accomplishments, and we are inspired by the surroundings around us. The learning that we do every day, no matter how trivial; paves the way to our success in life. As… Read More How Learning Helps You Succeed in Life

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Respect, Reviews, Success

Why Being Polite Is Important

I’ve been laughed at for one of the most peculiar things. My politeness. I’m the sort of person who will ask before using your restroom, ask if it’s okay to have the last slice of pizza, and thank you for cooking me dinner even if you’re my own mother. I believe in having manners, and… Read More Why Being Polite Is Important

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.


Overcoming Stress with a Positive Attitude

If you were to pass me in the street, you probably wouldn’t realise how much I always have on my mind. I am a stay at home mother who is also trying to start a freelance writing career. My days are filled with appointments for my 3 children; two of them have special needs and… Read More Overcoming Stress with a Positive Attitude

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Determination, Success

Why You Should Never Give Up

An old friend once wisely said to me: “It is not the smartest people that end up being the most successful. It is the most hard working”. And his words reaffirmed my belief in the importance of perseverance and determination. From a young age, I’ve had great self-discipline. I didn’t believe in giving up on things… Read More Why You Should Never Give Up

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Determination, Parenting, Success

It’s Never Too Late

A paediatrician once said to me: “It doesn’t matter how your daughter’s behavioural issues came to be, all that matters is what you do for her NOW”. Those words have stayed with me for the past 2 years. I’ve always been someone who tackles problems head on. I like to seek out the cause of things… Read More It’s Never Too Late

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.


Envy: How It Limits Success

I’ve always believed that in order to be successful, you must focus less on others and more on yourself. A person learns to perform at their best through challenging themselves and reflecting back on their weaknesses. That is why I think ‘envy’ has no place in success. To be envious of someone else and yearn… Read More Envy: How It Limits Success

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as news.com.au, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.