Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Relationships, Success

How Nobody Believing in My Dreams Taught Me to Believe in Myself

I remember the first time I told some family friends that my dream was to run my own business. I was 15, filled with hope and passion. I felt so proud to tell these people I’d just met how I’d been running 25 websites and had just been offered a freelance web design job. I… Read More How Nobody Believing in My Dreams Taught Me to Believe in Myself

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Relationships, Success

What Has Mark McGowan’s Resignation Reminded Us About Work-Life Balance?

When Mark McGowan resigned as WA Premier early last week, citing the reason, “I’m tired”, I could – on a much, much smaller scale – relate to his feelings of mental and physical exhaustion. His honest admission left me feeling in awe of him, because it wasn’t too long ago that I thought it didn’t… Read More What Has Mark McGowan’s Resignation Reminded Us About Work-Life Balance?

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Regret, Relationships

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

Trigger warning: Child abuse, sexual assault. Last week was by far, one of the most emotional weeks of my life. I had been building myself up for something, knowing full well that that day would leave me feeling anxious, stressed, emotional, and confused. That day was all those emotions and more. But I have now… Read More The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Regret, Success

You Are Not Defined By Your Mental Health Struggles: Finding Strength During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trigger warning: Child abuse, sexual assault, suicide There was a heartbreaking time, many years ago, when I couldn’t sleep without worrying that I’d be woken by a real boogie man in the night. So I’d lie awake, very late into the night, doing whatever I could, watching TV, listening to music, anything just to avoid… Read More You Are Not Defined By Your Mental Health Struggles: Finding Strength During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Purpose

When Life Comes Full Circle

When I was 17 years old, the flu hit me pretty hard. I was bed ridden and felt so unwell I’d piled on layers and layers of clothes to keep me warm. At that time, I was getting to know someone who expressed a lot of concern at how unwell I was feeling. He asked… Read More When Life Comes Full Circle

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Forgiveness, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Love, Moving Forward, Purpose, Regret, Relationships

I didn’t choose to be a victim of child sexual abuse. But I choose everyday how I live the rest of my life.

I’ve been thinking about choices a lot lately. Who I choose to be around, how I choose to live my life, my career choices. And I’ve thought about how, it’s so easy to feel regret towards the choices we’ve made. It’s also easy to feel regret towards the choices others have made and how they… Read More I didn’t choose to be a victim of child sexual abuse. But I choose everyday how I live the rest of my life.

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Love, Moving Forward, Purpose, Regret, Relationships, Support

Life, Love and Laughter

Something pretty amazing happening today. Nothing particularly eventful but pretty amazing for me. Today, I laughed the hardest that I have laughed in the past few weeks. My facial cheeks hurt. My stomach felt pained. I was laughing uncontrollably. So why did my fits of laughter mean so much to me? Because just under a fortnight ago,… Read More Life, Love and Laughter

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Relationships, Support

I’m Finally Crying Tears of Joy

Three days ago, I made a very important decision. One that I’d been seriously contemplating for weeks now. I made the very significant decision to end my counselling. I no longer felt that I needed it. My counsellor agreed. We both knew that I was ready. The smile on my face right now reminds me that… Read More I’m Finally Crying Tears of Joy

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Relationships, Support

Being Proud of Your Progress

I promised I would be back to blogging regularly and here I am! 🙂 It’s been 20 days since my last blog post, though. It may not be the previous two posts per week, but I’m focusing on slowly getting back onto my feet 🙂 To say that the past year has been a difficult year would be… Read More Being Proud of Your Progress

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.

Change, Confidence, Decisions, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Moving Forward, Purpose, Success, Support

A New Chapter Begins

Once again, it’s been another 4 months since my last blog. But this time, something in me has completely shifted. I know now that I am back to writing for good! When I wrote my last blog post, I’d only publicly disclosed my child abuse very recently. The memories, the trauma, the heartbreak, the shame, the… Read More A New Chapter Begins

Thuy Le (formerly known as Thuy Yau) is a freelance writer and Youth Work graduate living in Perth, Australia. She loves to share her own personal experiences about overcoming adversity, as she believes that human beings are more capable than they realise. She writes to make a positive difference in the world and to inspire others to learn from themselves and their own experiences. Her writing has been discussed on radio, won writing contests, appeared on The Huffington Post UK and major Australian sites such as, SMH, Kidspot and Essential Kids. She has just completed her first book – a memoir - and is on the search for a publisher.